This describes the template that controls the overall look and layout of this site.


height: line 30, interline 15; page width: 12 columns + 11 intercolumns, centered

Screen Column Intercolumn Page width Notes
<768 auto margins l/r 1em
>768 27 30 654
>980 46 30 882 default
>1200 52 30 954
>1600 70 30 1170


'Roboto' 300; h3: 400; h1, h2: 100

Screen small body h3 h2, intro h1
>1600 12 19 21 42 130
>980 12 19 21 40/1.5 110/1
>768 12 19 21 40 80
<768 12 19 21 29 49/1.2


#f3f3f4 background
#373749 text
#d9e3e3 hover, borders, selection background
white top menu background over the main text area


0.4s ease

Property Element
color link-text
transparency gallery, bottom menu

Top menu

Bottom menu
