You can use the following CSS classes to add additional formatting to your articles.

Class Description
intro paragraph as h2
last paragraph bottom margin: 0, credits-table border: 0
credits table
tracklist description list
wide767 image or gallery for <768
image-container container for the images
embed-container container 16:9
embed-container-*by* ratio adjustment of the embed-container 17:10, 5:3, 16:10, 3:2, 14:10, 4:3, 1:1, 3:4, 10:14, 210:297, 2:3, 3:5
embed-item embedded object, e.g. iframe for vimeo or issuu, 100% width/height
embed-image embedded image, as in the gallery, 100% maximum width/height, center/center
top-* top margin 0–12 interlines
bottom-* bottom margin 0–12 interlines
span* columns 1–12 for 980–1199, <768
offset* offsets 1–12 for 980–1199, <768
col-sm-* columns 1–12 for 768–979
col-sm-offset-* offsets 1–12 for 768–979
col-lg-* columns 1–12 for 1200–1599
col-lg-offset-* offsets 1–12 for 1200–1599
col-hd-* columns 1–12 for >1600
col-hd-offset-* offsets 1–12 for >1600